Our Services
We are here to help you navigate the healthcare system and prioritize your needs. We work for YOU!
What we do:
Complete a comprehensive assessment of your situation and provide an organized health timeline.
Research and assist with understanding your medical conditions, available treatment options, and medications.
Attend medical appointments with you and assist in communication with healthcare providers on your behalf.
Update and communicate with family members as you desire.
Help you understand your medical records and test results.
Assist you in communicating your healthcare wishes to others.
Assist with understanding medical bills and explanation of benefits, and refer to appropriate resources as needed.
Assist with establishing electronic portal and on-line check in processes.
Schedule appointments and arrange third party transportation to appointments.
What we don't do:
We do not provide medical services or medical advice.
We do not make decisions for you.
We do not become involved in legal matters, nor provide legal advice.
We do not personally provide transportation and are not affiliated with transport companies.
Preliminary phone consultation is free. At this time we will discuss basic medical issues, needs, and determine how we may be able to assist you. This typically takes approximately 20 minutes.
The initial consultation is a face-to-face, in-depth review, and assessment of your health and medical issues. This usually takes 1-2 hours and payment for this visit is required in advance.
Ongoing fees can be hourly or based on available packages. This will be established with initial phone consultation.